Early Learners / Elementary Programs
Early Learners – Building Positive Character
Students will learn what character is and what makes a respectful and positive character.
Grade 3 – Preventing And Solving Conflicts
Unit 1, Lesson 5
Students will learn that accepting the choices others make, concerning their belongings, helps prevent conflicts.
Grade K – Respect For The Environment
Grade K, Respect Unit, Lesson 7
Students will learn that respect must also be shown to the environment. Students will identify specific ways care and concern can be shown for planet Earth.
Grade 4 – Asking Shows Respect For The Privacy Of Others
Students will learn that asking is a way to respect the private belongings and conversations of others. Students will also learn to seek permission if they need to enter a private area. To know in advance, is to be safe.
Grade 2 – Accepting Authority
Students will learn how to respond to authority by using self-control.
Grade 5 – Respecting The Differences Of Others
Students will learn to respect the differences of people around the world and in various situations in order to avoid conflict.
Intermediate Program
Accepting Me, Accepting You
Students will learn the importance of accepting the positive characteristics in themselves and others, that everyone is unique, and everyone owns the right to be respected as a human being regardless of their external inherent differences.
You Can Count On Me
In this introductory lesson, students will learn:
· What moral responsibility is.
· That when people in society are irresponsible, others can get hurt.
· How to become responsible.
· That responsibility includes fulfilling tasks and obligations with a positive attitude.
· How to make responsible choices.
· What age appropriate duties and obligations are.
· That responsible people accept the consequences of their choices and actions without making excuses or trying to shift the blame.
More Than Meets The Eye
Students will understand how character and personality are developed and that there is a clear distinction between the two. In addition, students will learn what morality is and everyone’s ability to develop positive character.
Self-Control Starts With You
Some concepts covered in this lesson are:
· How morality applies to self-control.
· The role of self-control in the development of other positive character traits.
· Developing self-control begins with controlling negative thoughts.
The Value Of Respect
This chapter will enable students to have a greater understanding of how respect can improve the overall quality of life.
Included in this chapter are discussions on:
· Basic fundamentals of respect, which must be applied to all life.
· The importance of valuing and appreciating others and their property.
· How to avoid disrespect.
Character… My Foundation
In this first lesson, we discuss character and personality and examine the fundamental differences between the two. It is imperative that we teach our young adults, especially as they mature and become more independent, how to develop positive character within themselves and recognize positive character in others.
Adult Programs
Effective Parenting Begins With Character
Parents will explore the great responsibility of parenting and how negative influences affect children’s character. They will also learn the importance of acknowledging parenting mistakes in order to find solutions.
The Right Character Produces Positive Outcomes
Students will learn the meaning of character and why positive character is important. They will learn the difference between character and personality. They will be able to determine the difference between right and wrong character. They will also learn the benefits that can come from maintaining a positive character as well as the consequences that come as a result of assuming a negative character.
Con La Frente En Alto
Los estudiantes entenderán algunos causas que pueden llevar a una persona a cometer crímenes y los efectos de éstos sobre la víctima, la familia de la víctima, el perpetrador, la familia del perpetrador y la sociedad en su conjunto. Los estudiantes también entenderán las consecuencias de cometer actos violentos y delitos.
Carácter… Mi Fundación
En este Capítulo, discutimos carácter y personalidad y examinamos las diferencias fundamentales entre los dos. Es imperativo que enseñemos a nuestros adolescentes, especialmente cuando ellos maduran y se hacen mas independientes, como desarrollar carácter positivo dentro de ellos mismos y reconocer carácter positivo en otros.
All Sample Lesson Plans Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2010 The Peaceful Solution Character Education Incorporated. All rights reserved.