12 Month Proposal
Pentagon’s Budget
2015: 598 billion
2016: 600 billion
2017: 609 billion
2018: 668 billion
Add to that amount of money the budget for all the other nuclear and non-nuclear nations for four years, and you have a mountain-sized amount of wealth put into nothing but destruction and rapid deterioration.
My Proposal To All Nations
The only proven, workable solution for all nations and every individual on earth is what I propose.
Think carefully about what I propose here; if you will, we could turn every person on earth towards peace with just 12 months of education, and we would never have another war.
For the cost of only one year’s Pentagon fiscal budget, the educational material of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, plus food, clothing, and housing with utilities, could be provided for every teacher and every person who would become a teacher, worldwide, while they take this 12 month course.
We are set up now to take this program to every nation, city, and individual home globally.
The details for this all-inclusive plan could be easily worked out for each person.
- Profits for just one year could be dropped in every nation. This would be an even better contribution to the assurance of an education toward peace.
- All forms of entertainment could be frozen for one year to assure that most time is used for study, teaching and training.
- Leisure travel could be halted until the 12 months of training have been completed. This too would assure ample time for every person to be educated in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program.
- Except for short stints of assigned duties of community service for every person, this training period would be like 12 months of “vacation” set aside for a lifetime of peace. However, at the end of that 12 months, everyone on earth, old enough to learn, would know and be able to teach the way to true peace, and know how to refuse and even prevent future wars and fighting.
The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program Is A Proven Course That Works
The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program (PSCEP) is unlike any other educational program on earth.
The world-acclaimed Peaceful Solution Character Education Program addresses positive moral character as something to be desired and ultimately cherished. The need for character education stems from the simple fact that we take our character wherever we go. From home to school and on to the work setting, character is built on values and principles, which have been molded or shaped by the influences around us. As important as character is, we have found that it is one of the least developed aspects of education.
The PSCEP is designed to teach all people, and I do mean all people, to live peacefully with their neighbors. It is a comprehensive program that provides complete curricula for students (elementary through advanced), parents, inmates, rehabilitated youths (residents of halfway housing facilities), community groups, and the workforce.
Now read just a few of the many testimonials that have come forth over the years that the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program has been in action.
Testimonial: Chris Hyler, Peaceful Solution Instructor
My experience with the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program is one of the most exhilarating, rewarding and educational experiences I have encountered in my 45 years of life. I have traveled many miles to meet with hundreds of thousands of students. I have flown to several countries including Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Mexico to meet with teachers and community leaders who are wanting to make a more productive educational environment for students and citizens in today’s society. I have traveled to our nation’s capitol six times to meet with congressmen and women, senators, and ambassadors from numerous countries to discuss how we, the Peaceful Solution Organization, can help all cultures and benefit all society.
In all of my many discussions with community and world leaders, teachers and parents, there has been one clear, common thread. There is an undeniable recognition among everyone, that our society has been slipping into a deep hole of immorality, causing all to suffer in one way or another. Without fail, everyone agreed that we must do something fast, but no one knew what to do. All agreed that the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program was unique, in that it not only identified the problem but also highlighted the source of the problem, allowing for constructive and effective training towards better decision making. This program’s effectiveness lies in teaching all to consider the outcome of their choices before situations arise, solving troubles before they start.
With the use of technology, our online courses have grown with much success. We are presently teaching classes in over 26 countries, and the numbers are climbing fast. The astounding growth of participation in this area has shown that this program transcends all boundaries of religion and cultural diversity. By our growing classes and retaining students, we are slowly but surely making a difference. I have heard numerous testimonies from people whose lives have been positively changed by the lessons in this program.
I’ll never forget the man I met in a Tennessee correctional facility who looked me in the eyes and said, “If someone would have told me these basic concepts when I was 16, I would not be in this prison today. This is the first time ever that information to make better decisions has been offered to me.” It’s really that simple. So many people have never been offered the information necessary to make better choices, so they act according to what they know.
It is obvious that so much more can be done. The amount of success that can be accomplished is yet to be seen. We need the efforts of everyone; community leaders, teachers, students, parents and guardians. We need everyone. You cannot feed the hungry unless you have the food. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program has the food of character education to feed those who are hungry, yearning for a better, more peaceful and productive life. We just have to get it out to the people.
Chris Hyler
Testimonial: Ms. Severa Molina, Peaceful Solution Student
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Severa Molina. I am 33 years old. I live in Hebbronville, TX. I am extremely pleased and grateful to have been given the opportunity to raise seven beautiful children.
For the past few months, I have been attending the wonderful program: Peaceful Solution Character Education Program. These classes have helped me learn so many things that I did not know.
Before I started these classes, I had a serious problem controlling my anger. I was raised in an environment where I was surrounded by violence, abuse, and hate. I was not shown what true love was. Living like this was so hard for me. I grew up thinking only about me and how to survive. My solution to any problem was to fight. If people looked at me in a way I did not like, I would literally go off on them.
Another serious issue I had was that of trusting people. I know now trust is earned. I had people who showed be constantly, they were there to encourage me and help me. I, in turn, constantly thought negatively of them. I used my past experiences with other people to influence my treatment of those who were truly trying to help me. I had so much hate for my dark past that I blamed those who were now in my life for what people in my past did to me. I had not forgiven those who had hurt me, until I was taught in the Peaceful Solution to forgive and not hold on to grudges.
This hate from my dark past caused me to constantly take out my hate, bitterness and distrust on my husband. For no reason at all, just because I did not control my thoughts and went back to the memories of the times people had hurt me, I would argue and fight with my husband. I took out on him all my anger, bitterness and frustrations.
People who knew me kept telling me, “You have an anger issue.” I chose not to listen to them. One day, I was sent to the Peaceful Solution classes. I could not believe the team of instructors would travel to Hebbronville to serve just three people.
We started the class with a review and then reading. I could not believe my ears, or my eyes. There it was in black and white: ANGER TRIGGERS. I kept thinking to myself, “Oh, WOW, they are talking about me here. They wrote this book based on me; my life.” I felt everything we read and discussed was for me. Emotion of anger, anger triggers; yes, it was all for me, about me, my life.
Attending the Peaceful Solution classes, I understood I wanted to be a part of the Peaceful Solution. I cannot just say I am grateful or thankful; it is a blessing to me. This program has taught me that I am in full control of my thoughts, my feelings (emotions) and actions. I have learned to practice SELF-CONTROL in all situations. I even learned to forgive those who had hurt me and did terrible things to me. I did not know I was capable of forgiving. Without knowing, this forgiving others brought me PEACE.
In conclusion, using the Peaceful Solution, as it was taught to be me, has truly transformed me. I am a new me. This program is an AMAZING PROGRAM. It has helped me overcome my bad habits and negative thoughts. This new me is practicing daily, constantly and consistently to apply the skills I have learned in the Peaceful Solution. I use them when life gives me these tests that I now see like another opportunity to practice what I have learned.
I want to thank the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program for this amazing thing you have done for me. I hope everyone who reads this will give it a try. It works!
Severa Molina
Hebbronville, Texas
Testimonial: Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar; Laredo, Texas
Greetings to all my Peaceful Solution Friends, not only in this great nation of ours but across the world. It certainly has been a pleasure to work with Peaceful Solution because it truly has impacted our courtroom. It has impacted the lives of many children and many adults in this great city of Laredo. I’d like to thank Mr. Yisrayl Hawkins for his leadership, his foresight and his influence here in Laredo.
It certainly has made a big difference, like I said, and it’s something that I will continue to do in this courtroom as long as I am in this position. As a Municipal Court Judge here in Laredo, I’ve added the Peaceful Solution to our monthly sessions. We’ve had it for the last three months, and it has truly impacted the lives of our students, our children, and also the parents who attend. I truly feel blessed to have met William Crouse and all the individuals from Peaceful Solution from Abilene, Texas. They have not only inspired the children but they have inspired me to continue the message of moral principles. And this is something that is, we go back to the basics, and I think if we could all go back to the basics, this world would certainly be a better place; but I know it’s not easy. I know that at times we are greatly criticized personally for what we do, and that is something that is in the nature of certain people, but I ask for those individuals to truly look into this Program and really think about what is true.
I know you’ll hear negativity, you’ll hear gossip about whatever message Peaceful Solution is bringing, but if you truly just give it a chance, and open up your hearts, you’ll see that it is a basic message that, if we would adhere to it, our lives and our world would certainly be a better place.
Going back to the negativity – I know that at a local minute level, I deal with negativity with the message that I am trying to send across, not only with the Peaceful Solution but in general, in what I’m trying to do in educating our citizens and especially our young people; but I know that Mr. Yisrayl Hawkins faces these battles on a worldwide scale. I get inspiration from him because I know that he’s not giving up, and I certainly am not going to give up because I truly believe in the message. I truly believe that the message is simple but it’s real and it’s true. I think (adversity and criticism) is something we face daily. I can’t compare myself to Yisrayl Hawkins, but I understand how negativity and the gossip of individuals may affect certain people. But I’ll tell you, it certainly doesn’t affect me and what I’m doing because I know deep in my heart what I’m trying to do is sincere.
One more thing that I wanted to say: to those who have accepted and made Peaceful Solution and doing what’s right as part of your life, I ask you to not give up, not to be overwhelmed or take that negativity and make you doubt yourself. Don’t allow anyone to do that. Do what’s right because we need you to keep this Peaceful Solution message going.
I invite everyone to go to the Peaceful Solution’s website at www.peacefulsolution.org, and to journey through all the pages of great information that Peaceful Solution has to offer to you and your loved ones. Please enjoy each page and open your hearts and minds to something that will change your life forever.
Testimonial: County Attorney Rodolfo Guiterrez
Memorandum: To Whom it May Concern
Re: The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program
As a prosecutor for more than 40 years, I have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of family violence cases filed, including numerous repeat offenders. I can also attest to the correlation between the breakdown in the family unit and criminal behavior.
Working in a small rural county, it is very difficult to provide counseling services for defendants in these types of cases. We began using the services of Peaceful Solution to provide classes for some of our defendants charged with family violence offenses. They also provide services to clients referred to them by Child Protective Services.
I have referred many Defendants to Peaceful Solution as part of Pre-Trial Diversion Agreements, where our office agrees to dismiss the charges upon successful completion of the Peaceful Solution program.
The Peaceful Solution and their Instructors have been able to set up weekly classes for our referrals, as well as the Child Protective Services Referrals, even though this requires them to travel more than 100 miles.
The Peaceful Solution routinely keeps me apprised of their progress, and I have received numerous comments from these defendants, telling me that this character-building Program has been effective and that they are learning how to deal with their issues and avoid re-offending.
Knowing the background of most of these defendants, I am very pleased to hear these comments, and although some of these referrals are very recent, none of these defendants have reoffended.
One case in particular comes to mind. It involves a married couple in their mid-thirties with three children, who were initially referred to Peaceful Solution by Child Protective Services in December, 2017. Both had pending criminal charges for assaulting each other, a history of domestic violence with previous partners, and the husband had a prior conviction for family violence and was facing felony charges for the most recent incident a year ago, after which a Protective Order was issued.
Although both were initially reluctant and resentful after being referred to Peaceful Solution, they have made steady progress. They have reconciled and their family has been reunited. Although he is a truck driver, they have been diligent in attending their sessions. More importantly, after speaking to them last week, it is obvious that their relationship has improved and that they are learning how to deal with their issues. This is a far cry from the two angry, contentious persons I met a year ago. Peaceful Solution is working wonders in their lives.
After personally witnessing this change in their attitude and behavior, I believe that this Program provides prosecutors like myself with a very important tool to use in these types of cases, and allows us to provide education, instead of incarceration, as a solution to these problems. I encourage all law enforcement and social agencies to put Peaceful Solution to work.
Very truly yours,
Rodolfo V. Gutierrez, County Attorney
Testimonial: Esther Kurczyn-Firova, President of Lead Laredo
Society has tried so many things. We’ve tried so many solutions and it is apparent that they have not worked. You can refer to drunk driving, you can refer to substance abuse, domestic abuse, whatever you want to call them; they’re not working. They haven’t worked and they’re not working. The sad thing about it is, they are getting worse, and the programs – more are coming out – they’re still either non-effective or less effective. But the saddest thing about it is, those individuals involved are being lost. It could be your brother, your father, your husband, your nephew; it could be your friend or business partner, and there’s no real help for them.
What I find even sadder is that there is a Program that’s available. The Program has been around for years. I’m amazed that the founder, Yisrayl Hawkins, actually took it upon himself years ago to start the very simple thing that everybody should have done on their own. It took an individual who is actually committed to doing the very simple thing, which is to bring morals and ethics and respect back into humanity.
We are a generation that everybody talks about so liberally. “Oh my gosh, you know, what are my kids going to be up against?” Let me cross my arms. “Well, what are my grandchildren going to be up against?” Well, hmmm, nothing I can do. “Oh, well, we’ll find out.” I just don’t think that’s acceptable. There is something you can do, go back to your roots.
Peaceful Solution is a curriculum. The curriculum is sincere. It’s based on truth. It’s based on principals, originality, and it’s what it’s supposed to be about: it’s moral. Whether you want to believe it or not, doesn’t change it. It is a fact, and it is what brings everything back to the household. You know, my gratitude to Yisrayl Hawkins. Thank you! Sure, he has paid the price, but that’s okay because there have been a lot of souls saved. A lot of people have hope now.
Parents are asking what is going to become of their children in the future. The answer can be positive using the Peaceful Solution. I hope and pray that the Peaceful Solution does continue to grow. It should be embraced. It’s sad that it is challenged and that people have a tendency to invent wild stories and twist things around and try to scare you to death, or maybe even tell you a story or two. But you know, the first question is: have you tried it? And their answer is going to be, “No”. So then, why are you telling me these things? I don’t go by second-hand information. I go by first-hand information. I’ve tried it; everybody should try it. I cannot tell you how much simpler life would get. Bring back your morals. Bring back your principles. Bring back your respect, and you’ll be amazed.
There is one thing we can hang onto, and that is hope. And one thing we are trying to do is bring back those morals and principles. Start with us first, and then teach it to your children, and then everyone in our society. And if I can, I will be more than glad to help someone else bring that to their home, to their school, to their business, to their city, to their state, and to their country.
So anyone who wants to talk to us about it, I’m open. It’s very simple: you just need the truth, and that’s what the Peaceful Solution is. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Yisrayl Hawkins, thank you! Continue doing this because we need it.
I personally invite everyone to join us by going and visiting the Peaceful Solution website at www.peacefulsolution.org. Your life and the people’s lives that you want to touch will be changed forever. It is not a temporary solution. It is going to be a permanent solution that you embrace.
Thank you,
Esther Kurczyn-Firova
Testimonial: Delores Morales, Peaceful Solution Student
“What did I do?” Those were the first words that came out of my mouth just a couple of months ago. I was referred by CPS to the Peaceful Solution Program for parenting classes due to an incident involving my son and his father. I was truly upset and I felt that 17 weeks to complete the Program was too much.
My first meeting at Peaceful Solution was at 7:00pm. I got to class and I saw friendly faces, something I did not expect. I got a warm welcome, but also a “let’s get to work” attitude from the instructors. “It’s going to be a long hour”, I thought. We started with the first chapter called, “Effective Parenting Begins with Character”, and just like that, it caught my attention. You see, I always tell my boys to be men of character. I am always asking them to be great leaders and to respect others. However, I am an adult and some of the things I often teach my children, I can’t say I always do myself. I have two big problems: number one, I tend to be impatient, and number two, I lack self-control at times. As we went through the chapter and listened, I could picture in my head several instances where I had lost control in front of my children. My thoughts came back to class, I heard the instructor say, “Your children are always observing,” and “If you hear your child scream, where might he or she have learned it?” I felt very convicted.
My thoughts went back and forth in class, and next thing I knew time had run out. I stayed a bit after class to discuss some points and I decided to buy the Peaceful Solution Parenting Manual, we were working on, and another book that caught my attention called “Self-Control”. I remember when I got home that evening, I eagerly started reading the first chapter of the Self-Control Unit called, “Self-Control Starts With You”. I was amazed at how simplistic it was. I realized that I, MYSELF, am responsible for controlling my own emotions and that I can’t control anyone else. I realized that I was only responsible for how I reacted to situations, not for what other people said or did. The STOP acronym (Stop Think Options Proceed with a right choice) was really powerful to me. I started thinking I was handling things the wrong way with others in my life and that I could choose to let them know how I felt in a peaceful way rather than getting all upset. That night before I fell asleep, I made the decision that I was going to master self-control.
As the days went by I started thinking about what situations would always trigger me to lose my self-control. I actually wrote them down, and I looked for possible solutions. The following week, I was looking forward to going to class. Guarding our minds was a subject we talked about. I left class and thought about how many times I had let my negative thoughts lead to my negative emotions, and how many times I had based my actions on those emotions.
Since I have come to these classes, I am working everyday on the things that I know my kids are observing. We may not realize it but we have so much influence over them. Recently, my son brought something to my attention that made me feel so wonderful. He said, “Mom, I noticed something and I wanted to congratulate you. Every time you have picked me up, you don’t get upset at me because I’m not ready. You’re changing.” He also promised to work, himself, on being on time. I was really embarrassed when he said that because I thought about the many times I got upset when he took too long. However, I changed my attitude towards the situation and he noticed that. Not only that, but he, himself, decided to work on his problem of being late, without me telling him to do so.
Because of the Peaceful Solution, I’m aware of my triggers and I’m taking action ahead of time and preparing. I’m still not perfect and I make wrong choices from time to time; however, I am aware that little eyes are watching my every move. My children will learn how to handle future situations based on what they learn from me. Although I can’t change the past, I can make a difference in the present. I look forward to learning more from the Peaceful Solution Program. I recommend this Program to everyone.
Delores Morales
Testimonial: Mr. William Crouse, Peaceful Solution Instructor and Director in Laredo, Texas
My name is William Crouse. I am an Instructor at the Peaceful Solution’s Branch Office in Laredo, Texas where I also serve as the local Director. I have had the great honor and privilege of teaching families, schools, agencies, prisoners, businesses, and thousands of individuals, young and old, in Laredo and throughout South Texas, for the past fourteen years.
Over the course of the past fourteen years I have personally witnessed how the basic moral principles and teachings contained in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program have the ability to set an individual’s thinking on a whole different course in a short amount of time, regardless of their age, upbringing, gender, religious affiliation or ethnicity. Many times, just one tiny seed of information taught from any of the various concepts or principles presented to a person through the Program will inspire, empower, and motivate that individual to start heading in a positive direction in regard to the way they think and feel about themselves, others, a certain situation or the world in general.
For example, I have witnessed over and over again how the Peaceful Solution can help a person understand, for the first time in their lives, that they, themselves, are responsible for their own choices and feelings, and that although they cannot control what others may do or say to them, they can control the way they respond to what is said or done. Thousands of individuals have come to the Peaceful Solution to learn to control their anger. Some of those people have attended other anger management programs in the past to no avail. When a person is presented with the morally correct way to think, feel, and behave, and is instructed and encouraged to practice even the simplest concepts in the Peaceful Solution, and not give up even if they make a mistake and fall the first few times, they will quickly see a change in their thoughts, attitude, and actions.
I have taught hundreds of prisoners at the Webb County jail who told me that if someone would have taught these simple moral principles and had given them the tips and tools they were now learning, they would not have made the decisions they made to commit the various offenses they found themselves in trouble for. This was not only said by inmates who were incarcerated for lesser-offenses, but even members of gangs and cartels facing murder charges, who may never re-enter society.
As a former prisoner myself, having spent 20 years of my life in both the juvenile and adult justice system in Alaska, before finding the Peaceful Solution while I was incarcerated, I have had the opportunity to see life from both sides of the spectrum. I, too, can attest to the fact that the Peaceful Solution was needed in my life. Before I was taught the Peaceful Solution, I was declared incorrigible by three Alaska Superior Court judges. Once I learned of this Program, was taught and started applying it, I never returned to prison. I have been free since 1995. My past experience helps me to empathize with what our students are going through.
The Peaceful Solution in Laredo began in 2004. Our first two clients were a mother and her 8 year old daughter. Today, we service over 200 active clients in Laredo, Zapata, and Hebbronville. Our clients are parents and children referred through the State of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, local probation, the 229th District Court in Hebbronville, Texas, and individuals who are walk-ins. Our team of Peaceful Solution Instructors have presented to over 80,000 children and teachers in schools throughout Laredo and South Texas. We were recognized by the Texas State Senate in 2014 for our work with the children and teachers in these schools. None of what we have managed to accomplish has been done using funds to advertise. Our clients have come because others have spread the word about how it changed their lives. Agencies share with other agencies the changes they have seen in their clients using our Program. Everyone always asks us where we have been all their lives. This is very rewarding to us all.
It is extremely difficult to put fourteen years of teaching the Peaceful Solution, day in and out, into a short testimonial. There have been so many wonderful people, experiences, and successes I have witnessed during these fourteen years. The few people I saw that it did not work for, were people who were not yet ready for change. It only works if an individual chooses to use it. I know that one day, when they are ready to make the change, they will remember us and come back; many have done so already because the seed of the Peaceful Solution was planted in their minds.
I’m thankful that someone shared this Program with me, and I’m in hopes that others will do their part and take the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program and use it in their lives and share it in their own sphere of influence. If it works for us here in South Texas, it will work for you too. Positive change in our own lives and in the lives of those around us will not come unless we take action. Let’s all make the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program a part of our legacy and the mark we make upon our world.
William Crouse
The PSCEP explores some fundamental principles of positive character development: Ownership, Respect, Asking, Self-control and Do Not Steal.
- Elementary Series: primarily focuses on the fundamental principles. This series teaches about honesty, safety, peer pressure, recognizing and appropriately diffusing conflicts, and privacy.
It teaches every person the skills to fulfill each of the above.
- Intermediate Series: positive behavior modification is explored through the concepts of Character, Respect, Acceptance, Responsibility, and Self-Control as an answer to anger management. Through these concepts, issues such as promiscuity, substance abuse, bullying and intolerance are addressed. Reading material, statistical data and real-life scenarios help the student to see the consequences of negative social behaviors and the benefits of positive social behaviors.
Improved character starts almost instantly.
- Advanced Unit: gives step-by-step ways to character improvement and how to maintain positive character in a sea of negative influences.
You can just imagine how much more effective and speedily this plan will work with everyone in every nation taking this course at the same time.
- Parenting Manual: focuses on both parent and child, placing emphasis on teaching adults how to maintain positive behavior in their lives so they can model that behavior for their children. After all, children emulate what they see.
- Workplace Manual: would be a great asset to businesses worldwide as a means of improving the ethical and moral standards of both employers and employees; even on an international scope.
Returning to your businesses after this 12-months of character improvement will bring pleasant surprises from the floor-level to management.
Employers and employees will become friends, pulling together, lending to a more peaceful and productive work environment.
- Basic Inmate Workshop will help inmates to experience personal growth and self-improvement, develop self-control and self-discipline, replace destructive habits, thoughts and attitudes, and improve their overall character to enable them to live a more productive life.
No matter a person’s level of education, social status, or age, the PSCEP is a very effective and practical tool for controlling all forms of disrespect and violence, providing a moral foundation that those educated in it will use for a lifetime.
Used as the main teaching tool for positive character improvement, nationwide and internationally, the PSCEP has made a positive impact on many lives in homes, schools, judicial systems, prison facilities, work environments, and communities in the United States, as well as Canada, the Caribbean, Israel and throughout Africa.
Testimonial: Shaul Hawkins
Meeting with teachers in Haifa, Israel, 6/20/2000 (Third Day) at 5:00 pm
On 6/20/2000 at 5 p.m., Yisrayl Hawkins gave a lecture in the Wadi Nisnas neighborhood of Haifa, lsrael.
The lecture was held at the Wadi Nisnas Community Center and was attended by a group of 32 school
teachers along with other members of the community.
During the lecture Yisrayl Hawkins spoke about the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program. He
explained the basis of the program was that peace will not occur on its own. lt needs to be taught. And what needs to be taught most are the basic principles of a positive character which are based on moral laws that we all can agree with. He taught them that everyone deserves respect and that in all our actions we must make sure that we bring no harm to ourselves, to each other, or to the environment. He emphasized that character education must begin at the earliest age possible, even while the child is in the womb.
The teachers applauded the lecture loudly and were all in agreement with all that Yisrayl had spoken. After the lecture there was a question and answer discussion period. The teachers were all in unison about the fact that education begins in the home and many spoke about the importance of the parents being involved in the children’s education. There was unanimous agreement among all the teachers that the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program would solve the problems that they faced as teachers and members of the community.
Wadi Nisnas is a predominantly Arab neighborhood in Haifa of about 10,000 people. The neighborhood is well known in Israel for its community efforts to bring Jews and Arabs together.
ln fact, the seeds of this meeting were planted at an earlier meeting on 11/9/1999 when Yisrayl Hawkins met with Dr. Motty Perry at the Beit HaGefen Arab Jewish Culture Center also in Haifa, Israel. Dr. Perry is well known in the peace movement in Israel and suggested the setting up of the meeting with the teachers in Wadi Nisnas.
More detailed information about the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program can be found in the Program Overview on peacefulsolution.org.
Whether you refuse to think about it or are unaware of what is taking place around you, the whole world is in serious trouble, for which there are no solutions except what we are offering.
Had this type of education been implemented in the lives of every person on earth, there would be no cause for war or sickness.
Yes, even a person’s health would be affected. One educated in this program would know how to stay well, how to prevent birth defects and crippling diseases, most of which stem from STDs. Health and longevity, which is widely sought, would be other positive benefits of the plan we are offering.
Another benefit would be the knowledge of how to stop and reverse global warming, as well as how to prevent it from ever occurring again in the future.
From the well-being of a person to livestock and the environment, every facet of life could be improved. Every aspect of mankind’s lives from a community level to a national level, and even a global level, would be positively affected. In fact, everyone would even desire to be neighbors, rather than enemies.
This plan is not taught, offered, or afforded by any religious organization—the true world leaders—although it should be.
The Total Overhaul
Allow me to send you an outline of my proposed plan. If you would look at it with true peace for all people as your ultimate goal, you would fully agree that this program is the answer to ending all conflict among the nations, and you would readily accept and implement this plan, hurriedly.
If this 12 month course were offered to all nations, on a shut down, at the end of those 12 months all nations would be in unity. There would be harmony in the world arena.
What I am offering is the only way to unite all people in peace, in only 12 months. There would be no monetary profits, but the prosperity of peace gained in those 12 months of positive character education would be endless.
This is a total re-education program in a 12 month period that would require total commitment at every level.
This re-education would result in world unity—a united world of nations—and can be achieved in only 12 months. As stated before, shut down all profits and re-educate everyone old enough to learn in just one year.
In just one year, every person and every nation would be united as neighbors.
Simply shut down all plans of profit making, war, the arms race, and entertainment for just one year, and you will have a totally new outlook on life after that time period of training in peace.
All Nations Are Angry and Fearful At the Same Time
All nations are fearful that wars are coming that will destroy the earth, and rightly so.
They know they have no solutions for the conglomeration of problems—ranging from the curses of disease to the hatred that permeates society—in every neighborhood, city, and nation.
It is being voiced that nuclear burning could start at any minute, and that the first strike could end in the total ruin of the earth.
The people know their religions and governments are helpless in solving the earth-threatening problems facing this generation.
However, when we presented our Peaceful Solution Character Education Program to the leaders of all nations in attendance at the United Nations Millennium Forum in NYC, in 2000, they were uplifted.
That same year, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the International Peace Conference in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. There, I presented this same program and again received the same welcome and expression of hope of having this program taught in their country.
Testimonial: June Benjamin, Operations Manager
One of the biggest achievements for Yisrayl Hawkins and the Peaceful Solution Education Program (PSCEP) was when Mr. Hawkins went to Canada for the Second Global Conference on Peace. This was a milestone for two main reasons: (1) It was the first time Yisrayl Hawkins was asked to be a Keynote Speaker in a world arena and (2) it was the first time that he spoke outside of Israel to address the need for character education on an international scale.
I was able to witness this event. Being used as a platform for ground breaking peace initiatives, Yisrayl Hawkins conveyed the urgent need for character education to be taught in institutional settings on an international scale to break the cycle of non-effective moral coding in all elements of society. He stressed the point that society, must make every effort to teach ‘the laws of peace’ which have existed since the beginning of time. Much like the Nuremberg Reports, this conference established the one general philosophy, that man is held accountable to a ‘higher power’ and the laws of peace and justice govern mankind. ‘Peace through education’ was Mr. Hawkins specific theme. Using this conference as a platform for peace, Yisrayl Hawkins has gone on to meet hundreds of world leaders to promote his initiative of ‘peace through education’. Since the Second Global Conference on Peace in Canada, Yisrayl Hawkins has gone to Israel, Gaza, Italy, Jordan, Palestine, Former Soviet Republics, Africa, United States, Trinidad, the Philippines, EU States, etc. They have all received Mr. Hawkins and his PSCEP. The Nation of Israel has even given him land to build a school for peace.
To Yisrayl Hawkins, peace is man’s ultimate goal. It can be achieved by accomplishing two very basic things: (1) TEACHING the codes of peace and (2) ADHERING to the codes of peace.
Then in 2001, The House of Yahweh hosted the Third Global Conference on peace. Several heads of nations in attendance, were very desirous of having this program implemented in their nation, but they were led into war before we had an opportunity to get it set up in their country. Those nations are still at war.
If those rays of hope could have been delivered, the nations around the great River Euphrates could now have peace instead of the devastation of war we presently see in that area.
This same hope is being offered to the United States.
The United States is truly the only nation that could bring all nations into compliance with shutting down business for profit, and turning each nation into a school for all of their citizens.
This Course Is Proven
The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program course has been proven effective over the past several years. It has met the approval of and has been implemented into the education system, judicial system and various other structures of society.
It would work best on a national level, because all nations would be able to see the hope and benefits of this program. But global is the word, and only the United States could get this word out and accepted.
My proposal needs your prompt attention and enactment.
The United States also needs this same prompt attention.
We really have no time to waste. I know everyone is well aware of that fact.
We are all vulnerable to so many things at this time. Even a small nuclear first strike will shut this nation down, and all other nations as well.
Where there is hope of a future, there is the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program.
It would be much better if all nations join together and shut down the profits for 12 months, and get the only learning that will prevent anyone from learning war ever again. Remember, it is well said that Education is Power!
Take a minute to contact us; then take another minute to chat with one of our representatives to allow us to help you.
All political pushers of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program will get the full attention of the world in a very short time. This program is very acceptable, as we have shown. Those who push to get this program implemented will be praised around the world.
The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program is the only way to true lasting peace, and it can be achieved for all people in just 12 months of easy, relaxful learning. Learn it now!
I sincerely believe, they would never want to ever live without it again.
Yisrayl Hawkins
Founder and Author
Peaceful Solution Character Education Program
Testimonial: Chris Hyler, Peaceful Solution Instructor
My experience with the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program is one of the most exhilarating, rewarding and educational experiences I have encountered in my 45 years of life. I have traveled many miles to meet with hundreds of thousands of students. I have flown to several countries including Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Mexico to meet with teachers and community leaders who are wanting to make a more productive educational environment for students and citizens in today’s society. I have traveled to our nation’s capitol six times to meet with congressmen and women, senators, and ambassadors from numerous countries to discuss how we, the Peaceful Solution Organization, can help all cultures and benefit all society.
In all of my many discussions with community and world leaders, teachers and parents, there has been one clear, common thread. There is an undeniable recognition among everyone, that our society has been slipping into a deep hole of immorality, causing all to suffer in one way or another. Many leaders in Washington, DC encouraged us to never stop pushing to achieve our goal of spreading morality throughout all society. During our local correspondence with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Senator Saxby Chambliss, Congressman Ron Paul and Congressman Henry Cuellar, we’ve received much encouragement telling us about the great need they saw for this type of education in their own communities as well as the rest of our country.
When speaking with teachers, parents and community leaders in other countries, it’s quite alarming to hear that they, too, are at a loss for solutions to reduce the rapidly growing negativity in their communities. It is refreshing, however, to see that they haven’t given up hope, and continue to seek answers. In Argentina, we spoke with many teachers who were just searching for curricula, for any morality; a vital realm of the teaching profession their college training never addressed. Our educational system does not seek to fail, many people were simply caught off-guard, not realizing just how much our society would change in the past 20 years alone. In a short span of time, fundamental moral principles, which were once strong family values, have all but vanished, unforeseen to people all over the world. The bloom of technology, the Internet, smart phones, and social media have brought many new, unanticipated challenges; challenges that our society and educational system were unprepared for and, in all fairness, did not expect.
In Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Mexico, we heard the same story repeated over and over again, as if being read to us from a book. Without fail, everyone agreed that we must do something fast, but no one knew what to do. All agreed that the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program was unique, in that it not only identified the problem but also highlighted the source of the problem, allowing for constructive and effective training towards better decision making. This program – whose effectiveness lies in teaching all to consider the outcome of their choices before the situations arise, solving troubles before they start – sounded too great to be true; yet, is readily available to all. Words cannot properly describe the pure joy this brought to the faces of so many people who were on the verge of despair.
With the use of technology, our online courses have grown with much success. We are presently teaching classes in over 26 countries, and the numbers are climbing fast. The astounding growth of participation in this area has shown that this program transcends all boundaries of religion and cultural diversity. By our growing classes and retaining students, we are slowly but surely making a difference. I have heard numerous testimonies from people whose lives have been positively changed by the lessons in this program.
One of my greatest joys came from meeting thousands of people who society had given up on in one form or fashion; incarcerated men and women, some facing a few years, others spending the rest of their lives in a correctional facility. I will always remember the first time I entered into a correctional facility, not knowing what to expect. A classroom of about 100 inmates sat down before me. My uncertainties were quickly eliminated, after we covered only the first few pages of the Peaceful Solution material, everyone was captivated, sincerely paying attention to what was being taught. Reading their faces, it was evident we were connecting with them on a level that no one had before. As the class went on, I was amazed at how many inmates started raising their hands asking, “Where was this information when I was younger? Why did no one ever tell me these things before now?”
I’ll never forget the man I met in a Tennessee correctional facility who looked me in the eyes and said, “If someone would have told me these basic concepts when I was 16, I would not be in this prison today. This is the first time ever that information to make better decisions has been offered to me.” It’s really that simple. So many people have never been offered the information necessary to make better choices, so they act according to what they know.
It is obvious that so much more can be done. The amount of success that can be accomplished is yet to be seen. We need the efforts of everyone; community leaders, teachers, students, parents and guardians. We need everyone. You cannot feed the hungry unless you have the food. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program has the food of character education to feed those who are hungry, yearning for a better, more peaceful and productive life. We just have to get it out to the people.
Chris Hyler
Testimonial: Ms. Severa Molina, Peaceful Solution Student
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Severa Molina. I am 33 years old. I live in Hebbronville, TX. I am extremely pleased and grateful to have been given the opportunity to raise seven beautiful children.
For the past few months, I have been attending the wonderful program: Peaceful Solution Character Education Program. These classes have helped me learn so many things that I did not know.
Before I started these classes, I had a serious problem controlling my anger. I was raised in an environment where I was surrounded by violence, abuse, and hate. I was not shown what true love was. Living like this was so hard for me. I grew up thinking only about me and how to survive. My solution to any problem was to fight. If people looked at me in a way I did not like, I would literally go off on them.
Another serious issue I had was that of trusting people. I know now trust is earned. I had people who showed be constantly, they were there to encourage me and help me. I, in turn, constantly thought negatively of them. I used by past experiences with other people to influence my treatment of those who were truly trying to help me. I had so much hate for my dark past that I blamed those who were now in my life for what people in my past did to me. I had not forgiven those who had hurt me, until I was taught in the Peaceful Solution to forgive and not hold on to grudges.
This hate from my dark past caused me to constantly take out my hate, bitterness and distrust on my husband. For no reason at all, just because I did not control my thoughts and went back to the memories of the times people had hurt me, I would argue and fight with my husband. I took out on him all my anger, bitterness and frustrations.
People who knew me kept telling me, “You have an anger issue.” I chose not to listen to them. One day, I was sent to the Peaceful Solution classes. I could not believe the team of instructors would travel to Hebbronville to serve just three people.
We started the class with a review and then reading. I could not believe my ears or my eyes. There it was in black and white: ANGER TRIGGERS. I kept thinking to myself, “Oh, WOW, they are talking about me here. They wrote this book based on me; my life.” I felt everything we read and discussed was for me. Emotion of anger, anger triggers; yes, it was all for me, about me, my life.
Attending the Peaceful Solution classes, I understood I wanted to be a part of the Peaceful Solution. I cannot just say I am grateful or thankful; it is a blessing to me. This program has taught me that I am in full control of my thoughts, my feelings (emotions) and actions. I have learned to practice SELF-CONTROL in all situations. I even learned to forgive those who had hurt me and did terrible things to me. I did not know I was capable of forgiving. Without knowing, this forgiving others brought me PEACE.
In conclusion, using the Peaceful Solution, as it was taught to be me, has truly transformed me. I am a new me. This program is an AMAZING PROGRAM. It has helped me overcome my bad habits and negative thoughts. This new me is practicing daily, constantly and consistently to apply the skills I have learned in the Peaceful Solution. I use them when life gives me these tests that I now see like another opportunity to practice what I have learned.
I want to thank the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program for this amazing thing you have done for me. I hope everyone who reads this will give it a try. It works!
Severa Molina
Hebbronville, Texas
Testimonial: Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar; Laredo, Texas
Greetings to all my Peaceful Solution Friends, not only in this great nation of ours but across the world. It certainly has been a pleasure to work with Peaceful Solution because it truly has impacted our courtroom. It has impacted the lives of many children and many adults in this great city of Laredo. I’d like to thank Mr. Yisrayl Hawkins for his leadership, his foresight and his influence here in Laredo.
It certainly has made a big difference, like I said, and it’s something that I will continue to do in this courtroom as long as I am in this position. As a Municipal Court Judge here in Laredo, I’ve added the Peaceful Solution to our monthly sessions. We’ve had it for the last three months, and it has truly impacted the lives of our students, our children, and also the parents who attend. I truly feel blessed to have met William Crouse and all the individuals from Peaceful Solution from Abilene, Texas. They have not only inspired the children but they have inspired me to continue the message of moral principles. And this is something that is, we go back to the basics, and I think if we could all go back to the basics, this world would certainly be a better place; but I know it’s not easy. I know that at times we are greatly criticized personally for what we do, and that is something that is in the nature of certain people, but I ask for those individuals to truly look into this Program and really think about what is true.
I know you’ll hear negativity, you’ll hear gossip about whatever message Peaceful Solution is bringing, but if you truly just give it a chance, and open up your hearts, you’ll see that it is a basic message that, if we would adhere to it, our lives and our world would certainly be a better place.
Going back to the negativity – I know that at a local minute level, I deal with negativity with the message that I am trying to send across, not only with the Peaceful Solution but in general, in what I’m trying to do in educating our citizens and especially our young people; but I know that Mr. Yisrayl Hawkins faces these battles on a worldwide scale. I get inspiration from him because I know that he’s not giving up, and I certainly am not going to give up because I truly believe in the message. I truly believe that the message is simple but it’s real and it’s true. I think (adversity and criticism) is something we face daily. I can’t compare myself to Yisrayl Hawkins, but I understand how negativity and the gossip of individuals may affect certain people. But I’ll tell you, it certainly doesn’t affect me and what I’m doing because I know deep in my heart what I’m trying to do is sincere.
One more thing that I wanted to say: to those who have accepted and made Peaceful Solution and doing what’s right as part of your life, I ask you to not give up, not to be overwhelmed or take that negativity and make you doubt yourself. Don’t allow anyone to do that. Do what’s right because we need you to keep this Peaceful Solution message going.
I invite everyone to go to the Peaceful Solution’s website at www.peacefulsolution.org, and to journey through all the pages of great information that Peaceful Solution has to offer to you and your loved ones. Please enjoy each page and open your hearts and minds to something that will change your life forever.
Testimonial: County Attorney Rodolfo Guiterrez
Rodolfo V. Gutierrez
County Attorney
P. 0. Box 847
Hebbronville, Texas 78361
June 25, 2018
Memorandum: To Whom it May Concern
Re: The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program
As a prosecutor for more than 40 years, I have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of family violence cases filed, including numerous repeat offenders. I can also attest to the correlation between the breakdown in the family unit and criminal behavior.
Working in a small rural county, it is very difficult to provide counseling services for defendants in these types of cases. We began using the services of Peaceful Solution to provide classes for some of our defendants charged with family violence offenses. They also provide services to clients referred to them by Child Protective Services.
I have referred many Defendants to Peaceful Solution as part of Pre-Trial Diversion Agreements, where our office agrees to dismiss the charges upon successful completion of the Peaceful Solution program.
The Peaceful Solution and their Instructors have been able to set up weekly classes for our referrals, as well as the Child Protective Services Referrals, even though this requires them to travel more than 100 miles.
The Peaceful Solution routinely keeps me apprised of their progress, and I have received numerous comments from these defendants, telling me that this character-building Program has been effective and that they are learning how to deal with their issues and avoid re-offending.
Knowing the background of most of these defendants, I am very pleased to hear these comments, and although some of these referrals are very recent, none of these defendants have reoffended.
One case in particular comes to mind. It involves a married couple in their mid-thirties with three children, who were initially referred to Peaceful Solution by Child Protective Services in December, 2017. Both had pending criminal charges for assaulting each other, a history of domestic violence with previous partners, and the husband had a prior conviction for family violence and was facing felony charges for the most recent incident a year ago, after which a Protective Order was issued.
Although both were initially reluctant and resentful after being referred to Peaceful Solution, they have made steady progress. They have reconciled and their family has been reunited. Although he is a truck driver, they have been diligent in attending their sessions. More importantly, after speaking to them last week, it is obvious that their relationship has improved and that they are learning how to deal with their issues. This is a far cry from the two angry, contentious persons I met a year ago. Peaceful Solution is working wonders in their lives.
After personally witnessing this change in their attitude and behavior, I believe that this Program provides prosecutors like myself with a very important tool to use in these types of cases, and allows us to provide education, instead of incarceration, as a solution to these problems. I encourage all law enforcement and social agencies to put Peaceful Solution to work.
Very truly yours,
Rodolfo V. Gutierrez County Attorney
Testimonial: Esther Kurczyn-Firova; President of Lead Laredo
Society has tried so many things. We’ve tried so many solutions and it is apparent that they have not worked. You can refer to drunk driving, you can refer to substance abuse, domestic abuse, whatever you want to call them; they’re not working. They haven’t worked and they’re not working. The sad thing about it is, they are getting worse, and the programs – more are coming out – they’re still either non-effective or less effective. But the saddest thing about it is, those individuals involved are being lost. It could be your brother, your father, your husband, your nephew; it could be your friend or business partner, and there’s no real help for them.
What I find even sadder is that there is a Program that’s available. The Program has been around for years. I’m amazed that the founder, Yisrayl Hawkins, actually took it upon himself years ago to start the very simple thing that everybody should have done on their own. It took an individual who is actually committed to doing the very simple thing, which is to bring morals and ethics and respect back into humanity.
We are a generation that everybody talks about so liberally. “Oh my gosh, you know, what are my kids going to be up against?” Let me cross my arms. “Well, what are my grandchildren going to be up against?” Well, hmmm, nothing I can do. “Oh, well, we’ll find out.” I just don’t think that’s acceptable. There is something you can do, go back to your roots.
Peaceful Solution is a curriculum. The curriculum is sincere. It’s based on truth. It’s based on principals, originality, and it’s what it’s supposed to be about: it’s moral. Whether you want to believe it or not, doesn’t change it. It is a fact, and it is what brings everything back to the household. You know, my gratitude to Yisrayl Hawkins. Thank you! Sure, he has paid the price, but that’s okay because there have been a lot of souls saved. A lot of people have hope now.
Parents are asking what is going to become of their children in the future. The answer can be positive using the Peaceful Solution. I hope and pray that the Peaceful Solution does continue to grow. It should be embraced. It’s sad that it is challenged and that people have a tendency to invent wild stories and twist things around and try to scare you to death, or maybe even tell you a story or two. But you know, the first question is: have you tried it? And their answer is going to be, “No”. So then, why are you telling me these things? I don’t go by second-hand information. I go by first-hand information. I’ve tried it; everybody should try it. I cannot tell you how much simpler life would get. Bring back your morals. Bring back your principles. Bring back your respect, and you’ll be amazed.
There is one thing we can hang onto, and that is hope. And one thing we are trying to do is bring back those morals and principles. Start with us first, and then teach it to your children, and then everyone in our society. And if I can, I will be more than glad to help someone else bring that to their home, to their school, to their business, to their city, to their state, and to their country.
So anyone who wants to talk to us about it, I’m open. It’s very simple: you just need the truth, and that’s what the Peaceful Solution is. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Yisrayl Hawkins, thank you! Continue doing this because we need it.
I personally invite everyone to join us by going and visiting the Peaceful Solution website at www.peacefulsolution.org. Your life and the people’s lives that you want to touch will be changed forever. It is not a temporary solution. It is going to be a permanent solution that you embrace.
Thank you,
Esther Kurczyn-Firova
Testimonial: Delores Morales, Peaceful Solution Student
“What did I do?” Those were the first words that came out of my mouth just a couple of months ago. I was referred by CPS to the Peaceful Solution Program for parenting classes due to an incident involving my son and his father. I was truly upset and I felt that 17 weeks to complete the Program was too much. I am a mom and I have a very busy agenda. At what time was I supposed to go to these classes? I am a fighter by nature, meaning that if I feel something is not done right, I will fight it all the way to the top until it is resolved to my satisfaction. I took a deep breath and gave it some thought. I am a firm believer that everything takes place for a reason. We may not understand why but at the right moment it will be revealed to us and that is where you have your “aha” moment.
My first meeting at Peaceful Solution was at 7:00pm. I live on the north side of town and the Peaceful Solution office was all the way in the south. I didn’t like that I had to drive across town, after a long day, to get there but I did it anyway. I got to class and I saw friendly faces, something I did not expect. I got a warm welcome, but also a “let’s get to work” attitude from the instructors. “It’s going to be a long hour”, I thought. We started with the first chapter called, “Effective Parenting Begins with Character”, and just like that, it caught my attention. You see, I always tell my boys to be men of character. I am always asking them to be great leaders and to respect others. However, I am an adult and some of the things I often teach my children, I can’t say I always do myself. I have two big problems: number one, I tend to be impatient, and number two, I lack self-control at times. As we went through the chapter and listened, I could picture in my head several instances where I had lost control in front of my children – like the time a lady ran the red light, when they gave me the wrong order at the drive-thru, or at times rushing from one place to another, in a stressful situation my tone of voice elevated. My thoughts came back to class, I heard the instructor say, “Your children are always observing,” and “If you hear your child scream, where might he or she have learned it?” I felt very convicted.
My thoughts took me back to a time where my older son was reading my work resume and there was a section that said “responsible for using sound professional judgment and helping others stay calm during crisis situations”. My son immediately said, “That’s not you, Mom. You don’t stay calm. You need to rewrite this.” We both laughed. I can say that at work I do carry myself that way, but I fail many times outside of work. That same week, I had a flat tire during a horrible storm, and I became afraid and lost all control. What’s worse is my children had seen it.
My thoughts went back and forth in class, and next thing I knew time had run out. I stayed a bit after class to discuss some points and I decided to buy the Peaceful Solution Parenting Manual, we were working on, and another book that caught my attention called “Self-Control”. I remember when I got home that evening, I eagerly started reading the first chapter of the Self-Control Unit called, “Self-Control Starts With You”. I was amazed at how simplistic it was. I realized that I, MYSELF, am responsible for controlling my own emotions and that I can’t control anyone else. I realized that I was only responsible for how I reacted to situations, not for what other people said or did. The STOP acronym (Stop Think Options Proceed with a right choice) was really powerful to me. I started thinking I was handling things the wrong way with others in my life and that I could choose to let them know how I felt in a peaceful way rather than getting all upset. That night before I fell asleep, I made the decision that I was going to master self-control. I knew it was not going to be easy; however, I like challenges.
As the days went by I started thinking about what situations would always trigger me to lose my self-control. I actually wrote them down, and I looked for possible solutions. The following week, I was looking forward to going to class. I did not have much time to read during the week so I was looking forward to catching up. Guarding our minds was a subject we talked about. I left class and thought about how many times I had let my negative thoughts lead to my negative emotions and how many times I had based my actions on those emotions.
Since I have come to these classeds, I am working everyday on the things that I know my kids are observing. We may not realize it but we have so much influence over them. Recently, my son brought something to my attention that made me feel so wonderful. He said, “Mom, I noticed something and I wanted to congratulate you. Every time you have picked me up, you don’t get upset at me because I’m not ready. You’re changing.” He also promised to work himself on being on time. I was really embarrassed when he said that because I thought about the many times I got upset when he took too long. However, I changed my attitude towards the situation and he noticed that. Not only that but he, himself, decided to work on his problem of being late, without me telling him to do so.
I know I still have a lot to learn and much more to work on; however, in the last couple months, I started meal prepping ahead of time so I don’t feel like I am rushed during my lunch hour, and so that when I get home at night my meals are already cooked. Preparing meals for myself and the children was a constant source of irritation – a trigger – that would cause unnecessary stress daily at home. Now, I wake up a little earlier. I’m learning to think ahead and plan for these tests. Because of the Peaceful Solution, I’m aware of my triggers and I’m taking action ahead of time and preparing. I even changed banks because I truly did not like the service at my bank and every time I went there I would get upset. I’m still not perfect and I make wrong choices from time to time; however, I am aware that little eyes are watching my every move. My children will learn how to handle future situations based on what they learn from me. Although I can’t change the past, I can make a difference in the present. I look forward to learning more from the Peaceful Solution Program. I recommend this Program to everyone.
Delores Morales
Testimonial: Mr. William Crouse; Peaceful Solution Instructor and Director in Laredo, Texas
My name is William Crouse. I am 55 years old. I am an Instructor at the Peaceful Solution’s Branch Office in Laredo, Texas where I also serve as the local Director. I have had the great honor and privilege of teaching families, schools, agencies, prisoners, businesses, and thousands of individuals, young and old, in Laredo and throughout South Texas, for the past fourteen years.
I became a Certified Instructor of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program on March 11, 2004. In May 2004, I was asked if I would be willing to relocate to Laredo from Houston. Laredo is the county seat of Webb County. At that time, in Laredo there was a flood of criminal activity stemming from drug cartels, including murder for hire, drug trafficking, and car theft. Much of this activity was spilling over from the city of Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, Mexico which borders Laredo, Texas, where the Los Zetas and Sinaloa Cartels were having a turf war. Mass murder and torture were routine. Citizens were afraid to leave their homes for any reason at all.
The Peaceful Solution headquarters in Abilene, Texas was contacted by several concerned citizens from Laredo asking what, if anything, could be done, through character education, to help reduce the violence and crime. Peaceful Solution determined a local center could be opened to offer the citizens of Laredo a variety of character education-type services including anger management, anti-theft, parenting, children’s character building classes and more.
Over the course of the past fourteen years I have personally witnessed how the basic moral principles and teachings contained in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program have the ability to set an individual’s thinking on a whole different course in a short amount of time, regardless of their age, upbringing, gender, religious affiliation, or ethnicity. Many times, just one tiny seed of information taught from any of the various concepts or principles presented to a person through the Program will inspire, empower, and motivate that individual to start heading in a positive direction in regard to the way they think and feel about themselves, others, a certain situation or the world in general.
For example, I have witnessed over and over again how the Peaceful Solution can help a person understand, for the first time in their lives, that they themselves are responsible for their own choices and feelings, and that although they cannot control what others may do or say to them, they can control the way they respond to what is said or done. Thousands of individuals have come to the Peaceful Solution to learn to control their anger. Some of those people have attended other anger management programs in the past to no avail. It is enlightening when an individual is taught for the first time in their life that no one makes them angry, but rather, they choose to become angry because of the way they think about what is said or done to them, and that if they change the way they think about that situation, they can choose not to become angry in the first place or manage their anger in a way that will bring no harm to themselves or another person, verbally or physically. When a person is presented with the morally correct way to think, feel, and behave, and is instructed and encouraged to practice even the simplest concepts in the Peaceful Solution, and not give up even if they make a mistake and fall the first few times, they will quickly see a change in their thoughts, attitude, and actions.
Another amazing aspect of what I have personally witnessed over my fourteen years teaching the Peaceful Solution in Laredo is not only how remarkably simple and common-sense the teachings are in the Program, but how they can be applied to everyone, no matter who they are. All negative behavior stems from a lack of positive moral guidance in the life on an individual. I have seen this to be true with everyone I have taught. For instance, I have taught hundreds of prisoners at the Webb County jail who told me that if someone would have taught these simple moral principles and had given them the tips and tools they were now learning, they would not have made the decisions they made to commit the various offenses they found themselves in trouble for. This was not only said by inmates who were incarcerated for lesser-offenses, but even members of gangs and cartels facing murder charges, who may never re-enter society.
I have seen that whether I’m dealing with a child whom a parent brings for behavioral classes, a parent them self, who is sent to us for allegations of child abuse or neglect, or whether I’m dealing with an individual facing a murder charge, there is one constant: each person agrees that the Peaceful Solution is right and was needed in their lives to help them make the right decisions, and to think, feel, and act in a positive way.
As a former prisoner myself, having spent 20 years of my life in both the juvenile and adult justice system in Alaska, before finding the Peaceful Solution while I was incarcerated, I have had the opportunity to see life from both sides of the spectrum. I, too, can attest to the fact that the Peaceful Solution was needed in my life. Before I was taught the Peaceful Solution, I was declared incorrigible by three Alaska Superior Court judges. Once I learned of this Program, was taught and started applying it, I never returned to prison. I have been free since 1995.
I never would have dreamed I would be doing what I’m doing today when I was sitting in maximum security confinement in a lonely, cold cell in Alaska with no hope. When I teach our students in Laredo, and throughout South Texas, I always try to remember where I came from. My past experience helps me to empathize with what our students are going through. I, too, used to feel like I had no control over my thoughts, feelings, and actions, and had no control over the direction my life was headed. I felt my only purpose in life was to be a thief and a trouble-maker. Now, I realize, through the Peaceful Solution, that my purpose in life is to help others and use my past experiences, coupled with the Peaceful Solution Program’s teachings, to encourage and motive both youths and adults to make the right choices and to be successful.
The Peaceful Solution in Laredo began in 2004 in a garage converted into a small classroom loaned to us by the owner of Gregory’s Driving School. Our first two clients were a mother and her 8 year old daughter. Today, we service over 200 active clients in Laredo, Zapata, and Hebbronville. Our clients are parents and children referred through the State of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, local probation, the 229th District Court in Hebbronville, Texas, and individuals who are walk-ins. Our team of Peaceful Solution Instructors have presented to over 80,000 children and teachers in schools throughout Laredo and South Texas. We were recognized by the Texas State Senate in 2014 for our work with the children and teachers in these schools. None of what we have managed to accomplish has been done using funds to advertise. Our clients have come because others have spread the word about how it changed their lives. Agencies share with other agencies the changes they have seen in their clients using our Program. Everyone always asks us where we have been all their lives. This is very rewarding to us all.
It is extremely difficult to put fourteen years of teaching the Peaceful Solution, day in and out, into a short testimonial. There have been so many wonderful people, experiences, and successes I have witnessed during these fourteen years. The few people I saw that it did not work for, were people who were not yet ready for change. It only works if an individual chooses to use it. I know that one day, when they are ready to make the change, they will remember us and come back; many have done so already because the seed of the Peaceful Solution was planted in their minds.
When I think of the thousands we have taught since 2004, I recall all of the positive testimonies from current or former students who have shared how this program helped them overcome obstacles in their lives and even, in the most extreme case, kept them from murdering someone. I have these testimonies almost daily. But I often wonder how many crimes I’m not aware of that were averted and how many lives have been saved because our students learned our Program and chose to make the right decisions in their lives and to practice peace. I wonder how many citizens were rescued from having their things stolen or their loved ones molested or harmed in any way. I wonder how many of our students chose to say no to drugs or teenaged drinking, or premarital sex, which could have led to a sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancy or abortion. I wonder how many fights were prevented because someone chose to practice the positive character trait of humility they were taught in our Program, and chose to de-escalate a situation rather than try to win the argument. I wonder how much less strain was placed on our legal system because someone was trained to do the right thing that brought no harm to themselves, others or the environment.
I also wonder where I would be today if I wasn’t being reminded every time I teach a lesson in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program how I need to conduct my life and how I, too, need to keep improving my character. Although, I am not yet perfect, I am not the same person I was 23 years ago when I left prison for the last time. I’m not even the same person I was a year ago. The Peaceful Solution Program teaches that building positive character is a life-long endeavor.
I’m thankful that someone shared this Program with me, and I’m in hopes that others will do their part and take the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program and use it in their lives and share it in their own sphere of influence. If it works for us here in South Texas, it will work for you too. Positive change in our own lives and in the lives of those around us will not come unless we take action. Let’s all make the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program a part of our legacy and the mark we make upon our world.
William Crouse