We know kindergarten age students are joyful, energetic and ever eager to learn. School can be a wonderful place for four and five year olds and as parents and teachers we want their experiences to be positive and meaningful.
A new learning environment can, however, present challenges to our young children. Often, these challenges come with conflicts, anxieties, and frustrations.
We need a program that can address these issues in a constructive way, a program that will take advantage of these daily challenges and help kindergarten age children to learn character-building skills.
Providing daily, easy to understand, practical application is what the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program is all about. As simple as learning “how to ask” and having ample opportunity to practice begins a life journey of respectful, responsible behavior.
· Contains 1 Student Workbook
Discover how the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program can benefit the kindergarten age children you know and care about.